Sunday, July 18, 2010

Diggy Interviews Pharell

On most blogs about fashion, and the latest trends people will post there first inspiration as Pharrell. Some people do it because they see other people do it and some people do it because they follow him because of his title. If somebody was to ask you how does Pharrell inspire you before this video you probably would say " oh because he is a fashion icon, he dresses "dope" or because he is one of the people that leads the fashion game ". After listening to this interview that wouldn't come to mind first if you really listened and took in the knowledge it would have a effect on you. I love the part when he talks about having nothing. I talk about the same thing all the time, people today count there blessings on another . . thats ENVY. While you are complaining how you don't have the latest newest clothes while having a full fridge and pantry or gadgets, like Pharell said there are kids in villages who haven't even heard of a iPod but are happy. People don't realize how grateful they are today. Diggy asked the best questions because they are the most frequent asked questions to bigger names all the time but the bigger names don't really give the best answer. He picked the right person to ask, Pharrell is a wise man and that is why he inspires me not only because he is a fashion icon and the other details. This video really had a affect on me, so thank you to Pharell and thank you to Diggy foreal .


Anonymous said...

yeah this was a really cool interview! The reason i like pharrell is because his music is different from all other artists. he's just unique. like he said in the interview, you have to do yourself and be an individual!

Beyond A Standard said...

yes you do and thats the type of people I like to be around, there are very few unique people today . . as Pharrell said there are a lot of " Mr.Me too's " I loved the interview said...

This has got to be by far the greatest interview I have ever seen. I love the part about the Mee Too's where Pharell says to him it's the weirdest thing. It's like a diamond trying to be a cubic zirconia. So profound! This post is on some FLYSHYT for real!

Beyond A Standard said...

Yeah people lack originality now a days, to me its dare to be different .

Beyond A Standard said...
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ProprPostur said...

Interesting Interview. Nice blog keep it up.

Check me out

follow if you like :)

Beyond A Standard said...

Thank You .

Eternally Fixated said...

Loved this interview! Pharrell is such an individualistic person. His style is so sick!

Love your blog girl!!

<3 Ladies of Eternally Fixated: Everything Celebs/Fashion

Beyond A Standard said...

Yes he is there needs to be moer people like him, & Thank You so much !